Friday, August 9, 2024

3MPlast goes for what is worthwhile

3MPlast has apparently what amounts to a new campaign for its models. You can see the ads online (here for Sun Lounge, here for Pandora, here for Queen, here for Havana). I have a tendency to think the ads were done in house. They are, at best correct. Now the ads also run around a very specific packshot copy:

بتضاين، مريحه، و خرج (Sun Lounge) Long-lasting, comfortable and worthwhile

حلوه، مرتبه، و خرج (Pandora) Beautiful,  presentable and worthwhile

ناعمه، بتضاين، و خرج (Queen) Smooth, long-lasting, and worthwhile

مرتبه، مريحه، و خرج (Havana) Soft, comfortable and Presentable, and worthwhile

As you can see the adjectives are rather repetitive. Now what is interesting is another ad I found for - what I think is the Pandora model:

"It is all plastic, but worthwhile" - in this context there is a "but" which is actually a little odd. As if 3MPlast is anticipating that the consumers won't be convinced that plastic could be worthwhile - note that this does not figure in the campaign above. Interestingly, the other ad has the same typography and the same concept "worthwhile" which definitely indicates that it came from the same place for the same client (the photo seems to be a screenshot from the Pandora model ad).

On the whole some effort was injected in this. And whereas the factory seems to be in south Lebanon apparently one can buy online from their website (here). 3MPlast has tried to sell its products differently in the past (here) and if I were to pick I'd go for that other earlier campaign.