Monday, February 26, 2024

Gac Motor and statistics

Just to be clear, I am not trying to be witty or mean or whatever. I saw this ad and still not sure what to make of it. Gac Motor (OK, it could be just me, but not familiar with that brand) has ranked #1 in "Chinese car, sold and registered in 2023". Now, the ad does not specify the % of Chinese cars sold as compared to other nationalities - which makes the statistic a little vague. Again, am trying not to be biased either way mind you, yet I cannot but take this headline with a pinch of salt as it does not specify comparatives or numbers (by numbers I mean - what if the #1 in Chinese cars is a dismal very low number - but technically they are not lying, it would still make them number 1).

On all accounts, perhaps further elucidating the statistics would make the ad clearer. But once more am trying to give it the maximum benefit of a doubt.