Sunday, November 5, 2023

OMT goes for zero fees for Lebanese transfers

I have previously explained why OMT has gone to replace banks for the Lebanese and how it actually came to become their most trusted financial partner (here). Which is why, an ad placed on the side of a bridge on the highway is bound to attract attention - and this one says that they have obliterated fees from the transfers in LBP pound inside Lebanon. If you think this does not mean much, think again - people are transferring sums to their family members, loved ones, business partners inside the Lebanese territory more than ever at this point. 

The Lebanese economy is now predominantly a cash economy - from my doctor doing his new clinic to the grocery store next door. Here's a funny story - just yesterday I was at my bank and there has been a new card waiting for me since my old one expired. I declined to take the new card because it was useless, and my banker also said "don't bother with it, just sign here the new contracts for your withdrawals in cash". When your banker tells you that your local card is worthless, it is something one needs to think about - hence OMT and their ad.