Friday, December 9, 2022

Liamo - a Lebanese produced pasta

Well, I have mentioned earlier the rise of the Lebanese made products and the  new "import Dollar" which is about to increase the prices of imported goods heavily, so added to the other products "made in Lebanon" (this is a good example of such a product) there seems to be a pasta brand "which made Italians go nuts" according to the ad. Of course, what might be baffling is that in certain instances the locally-produced goods tend to be more expensive than the imported (I am thinking of specific brands, not Liamo who - according to the net - seems to be in the lower margins of the pasta pricing for Lebanon).

Interestingly there was also a launch film which you can find here, the film plays the story of "making the Italians go nuts" on the literal side which sort takes the fun out of it as it happens at an airport in "Italy" (Malpensa, Milano) and the security at the airport are offended pasta is being brought from Lebanon and of course, need to try it at once (one of the security people is called... Pavarotti. Yes, sigh!). I think the card could have been played much better and differently.