Monday, January 3, 2022

Picon - covering school tuitions

I know, I already pointed out that CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) was an hypocrisy (see here) and the Picon ad itself has all the blueprint of the usual we-are-here-to-help (see here) so why am I making a fuss about it? Because apparently so far they covered the tuition of 300 students. And this, in itself, deserves mentioning because at some point too many students got left behind this year with the economic situation worsening so bad thousands of them were kept outside of the school system (the Picon ad points out that there are 400,000 students who are not able to "continue their schooling" and their estimates seem to be correct). 

This is a conversation I had myself with a man who studied 3 years of medicine in an Eastern European country (before dropping out) and I am quoting verbatim (he was speaking about his 2 sons aged 7 and 5): "so what? Let them stay at home, many people are keeping their children away from school. At some point feeding them takes priority". I know it seems I am writing this with an accusatory tone, but at some point, judging by his finances, I actually did  not reply. 

On all accounts, if Picon is doing it, good for them. Now is the time for anyone who is anyone to step up to the plate!