Thursday, March 6, 2025

On that Jamhour students' dust up!

I know, call me retro or whatever but I stand with the Jamhour management on this one. So, here's the background - there's this guy from Andalus restaurant who comes on social media with his inflammatory videos. Fine, no big deal such people are a dime a dozen. Then, in a recent video who is behind but... College Notre Dame de Jamhour students (CNDJ) - clad in their official school uniforms participating in the prank.

I am going to be honest, the circular the school issued to parents does not say if they students were outright fired, or suspended, or reprimanded. This came from the rector of the secondary classes. Whatever it is though, I stand with the school on this one. I know that social media has took off a lot of decorum from a lot of aspects, but believe it or not, I still believe that people ought to behave publicly, especially when "representing" an institution (and CNDJ is not one light-hearted institution, far from it).

The prank is annoying, let us face it, but also youth a very influenceable and gullible, and whereas top schools such as CNDJ prepare them for high careers (about a third of our current government are CNDJ graduates), maybe the youth themselves see such a vulgar film as something fun and that no one will care in the future.

Who knows? But sadly, the prank is silly. And yes, it was idiotic to do it while wearing the school uniform!