Thursday, August 1, 2024

Wilco - Army Day and chicks!

So today was Army Day... There was a time when anyone who was anyone would do an ad - just insert camouflage and you are home safe. But bit by bit with budgets being what they are and the crisis being what it is, brands have held back. Which is why it is rare to see "ads" for Army Day. These day just a small gesture with an army logo would suffice. Enter Wilco - which does chicken products (and yes, I am a client of theirs). Where does one begin with the infamy. Sure they included the army slogan "honor, sacrifice, loyalty"... Added the camo... On the chicks!!! Wow, that was something. I really though that late afternoon meant that we passed an uneventful army day, but Wilco thought otherwise. Or did they think at all?