Friday, August 2, 2024

Maliks back to school - a case of trying too much

Well, Maliks has just launched its annual back to school campaign, and truth be told, it is very convoluted. There is one outdoor, one visual on the site, and 2 others on Instagram (one one of them was included above but they are essentially the same). The copy is really a case of trying too hard. Does it work? A fellow copywriter told me she had to read it 3 times for it to make sense. Maybe I am more used to these linguistic acrobatics but the end result is still the same - too much effort injected for something rather forgettable. Still, Maliks is an institution and of the top of mind places where students photocopy and print and alter and edit and buy stationary and books and what not. So they must be doing something right. Not sure the ads are so tough. And by the way, toying around with the logo? I found that one a bit too much because normally no one touches the logo in an ad.