Sunday, August 18, 2024

So apparently I am the only one who thinks the L(IKEA) campaign is corny

I read much praise about it when posted. I still think the L(IKEA) campaign for - you guessed it - IKEA is corny. Do I like the sophomoric word-play? No. If a student came up with this would I encourage them to continue the thought? (Insert much shouting from my part after a 10 second calm before the storm). Long story short? Why did this campaign ever happen?

Worse? Who in their right mind shifted from the brilliant "where life happens" or the quirky "life is not an IKEA catalogue" to "between you and a better everyday" which is the downgrade of all downgrades. People, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. When you come up with great positioning and a way to sway customers don't get corny - which sadly this is.

And I am still trying to wrap my head around that non-effective L(IKEA) thingy.