Friday, August 30, 2024

Lux and Sunsilk and a glorious summer via Pimo and Joe Fish

Crisis? What Crisis? Am quoting Supertramp's album to make a point. Because sometimes, life goes on, whether we want it or not. Props to Pimo and Joe Fish for making the unthinkable happen - a fresh and lovely and freebie-laden summer for the ladies (whom I know they need it). I already spoke of both brands prior (ex: Lux here, and Sunsilk here) and here we are, despite the tumultuous political situation (which is an understatement if there was one!) both brands (and agencies) managed their activations flawlessly giving the consumer a small taste of normalcy where it was much needed. 

Again, sometimes brands spread positive energies and Lux and Sunsilk have done so, in - I repeat - some very challenging circumstances in Lebanon. Well, if this is not the purpose of a brand, then what it is for?