Sunday, April 23, 2023

Botticelli - between Pornhub and Italian Ministry of Toursim

So was that a misfire? Seems so. Italian Ministry of Tourism has just put Botticelli's birth of Venus painting as some sort of mascot in its ads - from eating pizza in Lake Como to riding a bike in front of the coliseum etc. It is to note that the Uffizi gallery which owns the picture just sued Pornhub (yes, that adult website Pornhub) for using a Botticelli "Venus" lookalike in their own "art history channel" (where we learn that Caravagio actually was a bar hopper who hung out with sex workers and killed a man after a tennis match).

But so here we are. Is this the best of what Ministry of Tourism can do? To be honest I am on the Pornhub camp here which seemed much more creative. The tourism campaign is, bland - almost generated by an AI if you ask me. The kind of things Dell-E can do to a Vermeer painting (here)