Friday, January 28, 2022

Linglong tire - someone injected the effort

OK I admit, it is a little destabilizing when you notice an ad placed on just two unipoles - as a matter of reference, in 2005 any campaign with less than 600 billboards was not even considered visible. But I digress. Welcome to Linglong tire ad, obviously a brand which I am assuming is new to the Lebanese market long accustomed to Bridgestone or other such high name recognizable brands. But hey, desperate times call for desperate measures and new entrants to the market. 

What struck me in the Linglong tire ad was that someone actually injected the effort. Sure this is not Cannes Lions award winning ad, but at least someone did put the effort there, in the idea, the execution mostly, and as long as it grabs the eyeballs, then the effect worked. "Lead your own path" - indeed, why not as a headline? And of course, all this written in an "asphalt" design. Once more, the effort has been made which is more than many brands actually put into theirs.