This indeed, is a match made in fashion heaven. Superb film director Pam Nasr (from Clams Casino and very in-demand model) is out with a bang for Versace Jeans Couture. Nasr's 80s esthetics is only too compatible with Versace, as both go for "less is bore" and dial the volume to 11 with "more and more". The story, believe it or not, could indeed have happened. Well, it draws on Lebanon's Christmas traditions of dinner on the 24th (which takes precedent to lunch on the 25th) with friends going to their dinner. Well, with an old Mercedes with a tendency to breakdown, friends clad in Versace Jeans Couture, and some helpful people met along the way - what could go wrong? Actually, "what could go right?" is a better question. The film is - honestly - exceptional. Quirky, smart, well-written, and - ahem actually this is a praise - very kitsch. Oh and this is not a spoiler, it actually ends with a party! Watch the beautiful film here!