Saturday, November 14, 2020

Pepsi, a Lebanon tribute goes horribly wrong

Wow, now that's.... Archaic? Old? Out of tune? Ugly, but not ugly enough to be kitsch?....

Am at loss of words in front of the new, useless, not called for, new Pepsi packaging. I presume, this is supposed to be a hollow Beirut tribute, no one is interested in, and whose practical implications on the ground are pointless. Is any money going to those who lost their homes in the Beirut explosion? Is anything being distributed for free? Will there be any pro bono kiosks? Will they decrease their price which has more than doubled? No, no, no and no. So what is the point? Apart from looking totally altruistic yet not offering anything in that altruism? Nothing much. 

On the plus side, these figures are close to the Gandour Dabke rebrand they can almost dance together and no one would be the the wiser....