Sunday, April 14, 2019

Open Minds - special needs and the challenge of a visual representation.

"It is not enough to accept it, my dream is for you to enroll me in your school"
"It is not enough to recieve me in your restaurant, my dream is for you to employ me"
"It is not enough to open me a bank account, for you to to employ me"
The adverstiser is Open Minds, there is also #ana3adi (I am normal) to accompany the campaign.
It may be me but I had to check the link on the ad to understand what Open Minds was and what was its central mission because truth be told, looking at the people in the ads it was confusing on why they would not consider themselves "normal". Turns out Open Minds focuses on people with "special needs" - I suppose this is hard to translate this visually in an ad.