Monday, March 5, 2018

Beit Al Mokhtar cuts through Sandwich w Noss

Now this came out of nowhere. Beit Al Mokhtar the latest joint to be part of the sandwish fast food trend is stepping on the toes of Sandwich w Noss by sending a "cut" its way. First the ad is place on the building right next to the Sandwich w Noss on the highway (which even has a cabaret-esque neon light on it) - then the copy "innocently" says, "no sandwish and no half (because noss means half) when the mokhtar cuts". Innocent, and falls into the comparative non-comparative vein of ads I spoke of before. No law was broken, yet the message was delivered. Apparently this comes from Triangle Mena.
I love it.
War has been declared.
Sandwich w Noss, your move.