Thursday, May 12, 2016

Perverse goes androgynous all the way!

Loubnan Mahfouz by Tarek Mokaddem
Passing through the Statch shop in Beirut yesterday, and originally to see the beautiful work of Vladimir Kurumilian, I stopped and spoke to Lobnan Mahfouz who was also part of the work for the foundation. His collection, he terms androgynous.
And whereas mesh and neoprene might not be your idea of unisex, his influences from the year he spent in China leads him to that sense of esthetics. Sure it might take panache and character for a male to wear a mesh and lace piece ("my best seller" says Mahfouz), and perhaps this is not something for the classic faint-of-heart male, Mahfouz did try the said piece on ("I would wear it to a club" he clarifies) and bummer, it did fit him beautifully.
Mahfouz, a cheerful character, has a very clear vision of where his work stands and he now helms the aseasonal athleisure "Perverse Label". What inspires “Perverse Label“ is the existence of a huge melting pot of genders, personalities, ethnic backgrounds, and every single aspect varying from a person to another, translated by its ability to mix and match more than one fabric boldly creating distinguished pieces. "Shadows Of My Reflection" is the name of the collection being showcased currently.
Not for everyone, this we will agree upon, but gender-bender is there!