Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Mountain Dew #bshil - the # that speaks to its audience properly

Last semester, some students of mine were brainstorming and someone dropped the word "bshil". Intrigued I asked them what it was and how does one use it in a sentence everyone understands. So someone pitched in with "badkon nrou7 3al ba7r? eh ana bshil" - want to go to the beach? yes, I am in. So #bshil means "I am in". Which makes this ad incredibly interesting to youngsters and millennials as it speaks to them directly in their own language. Mind you bshil is very new to the lexicon (originally it means "I lift") - which makes this ad timely and quite pointed. The selling line "awwi albak" translates into "toughen up", which also tackles adrenaline-filled youth...