Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lay's - the ad that backfires

Strange, I had to see the ad too many times to make sure of my reaction and the more I saw it the more I thought the same: I am repulsed and not having a Lay's potato chips any time soon. I mean it is not the fault of the director but somehow something literally got lost in translation. I think on paper this made sense: a small packet of Lay's is replaced by a bigger one. But everything from the casting, to - why use the English in a GCC ad? - to the whole episodes (which are not real slices of life), to the whole "gimmicky" effect, to that 80s slapstick effect (without the 80s nostalgia to go along) just is... annoying beyond measure. Sorry am being too harsh but as I said, this ad backfires: I just don't feel like having a Lay's right now. Which sadly, is the reverse of everything advertising related I presume. And please don't let me start on that corny copy at the end (I thought these were done with in the early aughts!). See the film here.