Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Al Kafaat keynote graduation speaker is none other than Dr. Jihad El Hokayem!

 Do I recall what the late Ghassan Tueni said on our graduation in 1996 at AUB? Actually, no. But then again, I am sure the graduates of Al Kafaat will do so with Dr. Jihad El Hokayem. So voila, a man with a mission for an institution with a mission. Al Kafaat is indeed not an ordinary mission in a country where universities grew like mushroom. And Dr. Jihad is indeed a very peculiar personality with his spearheading Rethinking Lebanon (which I have mentioned several times on this blog - here and here as examples). So it is a delight that both fit indeed! Pity I am not going to be among the audience, but I am sure I will get to read the speech!