Saturday, August 17, 2024

Shepard Fairey from Hope to Forward

Shepard Fairey has graced us with a new Kamala Harris image in the style of his inescapable Barack Obama one (I do hope he cleared the image this time as he went into legal issues with the original poster). Thankfully he also came up with a palatable slogan - forward. Indeed, it seems the Harris campaign slogan is "for the people". I am not even sure of that despite all my research, which is nice even if with a bit of communistic undertones (will she stand by unions? will she protect the little man in the face of large powerful companies? etc...). But hey, that's just politics and sloganeering. Which is why "forward" seems fitting. Short, powerful, encapsulating all the momentum Harris has garnered since she became the banner-carrier of the Democrats in this election (and yes, all the free press she garnered stealing someone else's thunder in the process - cough, ahem, no names). Still, Fairey seems to have caught the wave - interestingly, he did not do anything for Hillary Clinton back then. 

So voila, onwards and upwards and... Forward!