Saturday, August 3, 2024

961 Beer deserved better

Remember how lately I spoke about 961 Beer relaunching (here)? Well, I was a bit cautiously optimistic. I mean the campaign knew who it wanted to target that is for sure. I was actually talking about it with an industry veteran and he too was a little skeptical but my final judgement was "let us wait and see where they are taking this" (knowing there is a respectable agency behind the campaign). Today it seems we have the answer, "they are not taking it too far". Or, in the words of the same industry insider, "childish". To which I agree. I mean there's just not enough you can do when the concept is, a little limited truth be told.

The ad above was launched for international beer day, apart from the puzzling art direction (sorry the bottle placement is not believable!), apparently they are targeting "travelers" (well, that's several steps higher than "passionates" in their first ad). But, somehow, at this point, I am even sure where they are going to go from here conceptually. 

To be honest, I think 961 Beer deserved better than this.