Friday, June 14, 2024

Daniela Tobler aims for women's staples

Daniela Tobler - DT for short... I have not seem any ad for the brand since, well since its jeans were on every girl's behind in the early to late aughts. Sure, the brand still exists in its stand alone stores, and up to my knowledge the brand has local roots even if manufactured elsewhere (China at the time). So here we are, it seems the brand wants to divest from just jeans and judging by its ads it is going the route of a full wardrobe including maxi dresses and other women's staples. Once more, at the time, the price of the jeans was that of one of a major international brand - so it was not cheap or anything by comparative standards. So right now I have no idea what their prices are comparatively, still to see them still existing on the market is no mean feat.