Tuesday, November 7, 2023

All Brands teams up with Caritas

Now that is a good news. All Brands, a popular outlet store in Lebanon is teaming up with Caritas in an operation called "All Brands, w enta, w Caritas" (All Brands, and you, and Caritas). The principle is simple, people bring in their old clothes, donate them on the special Christmas donation booth - granted people get 15% discount on new items by doing so. 

Well should you think that suck clothes collecting initiatives do not work, Fabricaid has its giant collecting boxes filled to the brim. Mind you with FabricAID you don't get discounts or anything. But mind you with Lebanon being in such an incredibly bad state, being a cohesive and helping unit won't hurt anyone. And even very minimalist people like me, who barely buy anything still end up with things that grew too big for them etc. So here's hoping the All Brands initiative will be the success it deserves especially that Caritas has always been very active with the needy on the ground.