Saturday, September 23, 2023

Milk Innovative gives Fork The Concept a cheeky branding

The other day I was in Saifi Village and I saw a new shop open - Fork The Concept. Something about the logo called me and I had to do a double take. And there it was! A very very subtle gimmick right in front of my eyes. Look at the logo people... The O of "Fork" is open on top.... (To make which letter?) and the top of the R is turned backwards to make (again, which letter?). Genius and so so suave.

A small detective work led me to know that Milk Innovative were behind this smart work (disclosure: I have worked in the past with Milk Innovative but obviously not on this project). OK, just to be even handed, I am not madly in love with the selling line "eccentric living" which whereas it says exactly what Fork The Concept does, it says so bluntly runs counter to what the logo does.

Still, not to rain on anyone's parade, I love the logo. Really well-done!