Monday, July 10, 2023

Ministry of Telecommunications - international dialogue day edition

And who knew that government advertising would end up sexy? Out of nowhere the Lebanese Ministry of Telecommunications comes up with a funny ad. First props for the casting - I mean one of the two persons in the ad is tattooed as hell, and also the setting it unembellished meaning you could really find such homes in Lebanon. OK, not to be a party spoiler but as someone who works in advertising I anticipated the climax early on, but the ad does work for the average layman.

Also the ministry is doing all this on "international dialog day" which, try as I might to find it on July 12 as advertised, I failed. Look the whole point of the ad is that you get a lot of bonus minutes to speak, but more importantly "you do the dialogue, and the talk is on us". 

See the full ad here.