Friday, June 11, 2021

An old Lexus ad from my portfolio: Or how concepts come in a split of a second

The ad, I think unreleased, goes back to 2003 and was part of my portfolio when I worked at Drive (later Drive-Dentsu) in Saudi Arabia. If I am sharing it, that's because lately I have seen so many ads with no concept it is really a shame this is called "advertising" - especially when Lebanon still claims to be the creative hub of talents in the Middle East (though of course I am contesting that notion).

Let me tell you the story of how it came out: It was five minutes before client servicing went to see the client for the new Lexus SC launch campaign. The campaign we did was brilliant, well art directed, neat copy, the whole lot. Then, Philip, the excellent Filipino art director asked me "Tarek, how do you spell escape?" - and I said "e-s-c..." - insert light bulb on top of my head!

The ad was done in 3 minutes flat - the illustration, art direction, everything was finished and printed and handed to the client servicing right before they packed off to the meeting. 

See? A good ad can come out of nowhere. A great concept too. It does not need time, or extra money, or ooomph or what not. Which is why it is more the pity that today, silly ads are being "created" and "approved" and "run" when frankly they should not be seeing the time of day.