Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Milk Innovative launches Coronavirus initiative "Together Alone"

Is the Lebanese government handling the COVID-19 well? Yes. Should people be going out? No. Are they going out? Yes. Are they supposed to? No. Milk Innovative thinks so too. An they launched a great initiative compatible with the social media world to really convince people they should remain indoors. "Together Alone" or the Arabic "مفرد بالجمع"  is a lovely, timely, needed effort because. Only with collective effort will we be able to beat the virus and stop its spread.
Here is how it goes:
It’s a good day to shake off boredom, spread empowering vibes and encourage people to #JoinIsolation!
All you have to do, from your quarantine, is:
Soap your hand and wrist
Photograph it (Hey! You can get creative here indeed!)
Copy Paste this caption
Pass on the torch to 5 persons you tag
Share it
I pass the torch to (tag your buddies
Together, but not forever alone, we shall #shakecoronavirusoff!
Until we meet again
#TogetherAlone #UniteForLife

اليوم بدنا نكسّر الضجر, بدنا ننشر طاقة ايجابية وبدنا نخبر العالم انو #عالعزلة_مجتمعين !

كل شي لازم نعملوا, بالحَجِر, هو:
نرغي صابون عإيدنا والمعصم 
نصورها (هون اكيد فينا نفجّر مواهبنا!)
منعمل كوبي بايست لكابسيون
منعمل تاغ ل5 اشخاص تنسلّمن الشعلة
مننزّل البوست

..انا بسلّم الشعلة ل
سوا, واحد واحد, رح ننتصر عالكورونا لأنو #حياتنا_مسؤوليتنا! 