Friday, November 9, 2018

Nido keeps it gender-specific with its low-fat ad

So here's the deal: I am a male, I am in my 40s, and I am diabetic. The milk that my doctor recommends is low-fat. But no, if it is low fat, according to Nido, then it is directed to mothers who want to keep in shape and their daughters. All other audiences are excluded. Again, Nido (and many other brands for that matter) associate low-fat with a specific gender as if others simply do not exist on the charts. Many men for different reasons, would not mind (if not to say actually require!) low-fat in their diets. But then again just like Fairy, and Vileda, some things are for women. I have nothing against ads for women just to be clear, but Nestle should perhaps review its strategy, target audience, and its advertising agency should learn to live in present day and time.