Monday, March 6, 2017

Lebprop goes weridly retro in their ad!

That there is an app for the Lebanese market to help people (read millennials) find properties to decamp from their parents' home (my bet is that the parents will pay for the rent or buying of the properties) is not a wonder at all (what's with apps being there for - ermmm - everything). The ad is a little odd in the sense that retroism is exploited to the max - I am seeing (could be wrong) a married young couple (who either spent a fortune getting their clothes for the new collection from Gucci or went straight to Depot Vente Beirut for second hand clothing), who have their in-law doing exercises in his underwear next to them. I am still trying to understand the rationale behind the retro element which goes to the couch, the glasses, the clothes - hell, the ad might have been shot in super8 format for all I know!