Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Le Blog de Chanty's new logo

Le Blog de Chanty has a new logo! Like No Garlic No Onions, Chantal decided she needed a new image. Considering I changed blogs, URL, and rebranded into my own name I can understand the logic. After years of blogging, our priorities shift, our needs and wants from the blog change, our topics diverge to become more compatible with our lifestyle and whereas there is nothing seismic in the change, it does warrant us to want to portray ourselves differently.
From a previously very feminine take, one focused on beauty, Chantal veered to a more minimal, clean and healthy option with a bit of hand-written yellow in it. Chantal is a professional in the communication industry, so it means she will not deform or twist her logo but will respect the integrity of it.
With this congrats on the change! Hope it will bring you good new things!